Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wrapping up Jane Hart's 2013 Challenge

Here is my 11th hour update on +Jane Hart  10 Tool Challenge. 

Tool 5:  Word Press
We lost most of our websites on October 1st including our main site and its 10,000 pages of content. After grieving the loss, I've jumped into building a new site using Word Press. I have been thrilled for the ease of adding a page or button... but frustrated by its lack of tags, and finer formatting features I was accustomed to in the previous site. 

Tool 6: Slideshare
On our new site, I have been embedding slideshare presentations to help clients and potential clients learn more about our work and capabilities. In less than 3 months time, I was amazed to see that the slideshare I posted on our home page, featuring our Team of Choice Framework, has had 1515 views. What a great tool to share information:

A major initiative for me this past year, was to develop and pilot a Group Coaching process for the VA Healthcare system called Leadership the Engagement Factor.  The process spanned nearly a year and involved numerous technology tools to make it all work. 

Tool 7: iLinc
The first tool I used in Group Coaching was called ilinc - a synchronous virtual classroom tool that offered more affordances than standard tools such a GoToMeeting. I was able to use the tools whiteboard, web synch (allowed me to take participants to a site and while giving them control of the site to fill out forms or take a survey, etc), media uploads for use in session, chat, polling and survey tools to make the sessions more active and engaging. I was not able to use the break out room functionality due to the technology requirements on the clients end. I was able to use iLinc’s survey tool to do formative evaluation of the process at a half way point and make some great enhancements to the entire process. 

Tool 8: Yammer
To provide a forum for the application assignments that were completed between Group Coaching sessions, we set up a Yammer Site that was accessible only to the participants. Here I was able to repost documents related to assignments, pull in related You Tube video and get discussions going that supported the skill that was being developed. The goal for Yammer was to create a community of practice among the leaders enrolled in this process, but I do not feel this objective was achieved. 

Tool 9: Podcasts
One component of Group Coaching was a Book Huddle which enabled the participants at the 9 hospitals to get some face time with others at their facility who were enrolled in this process.  Participants would meet to discuss an interview which I had recorded with the author of an employee engagement book.  These recorded interviews were podcasted and available from either the Bookends Book club website, or from iTunes

Tool 10: 20/20 Insight Survey tool
Another component of Group Coaching was a monthly one question survey designed to hold coachees accountable to the action they contracted to take each month back on their team. To check in and have both the coachee and their upline manager report on progress, a survey tool called 20/20 Insight was used to collect data and share aggregate results each group coaching session. 

Thank you Jane Hart for the challenge!!

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